Buy Bangor A Tree

About the program

Since October 2023, our Buy Bangor A Tree Program has planted 67 native street trees and shrubs to increase our city's tree canopy.

Canopy reduces stormwater by intercepting rainfall that would otherwise run off of paved surfaces and be transported into local waters though sewer systems, picking up various pollutants along the way. It also reduces the urban heat island effect, reduces heating/cooling costs, lowers air temperatures, reduces air pollution, increases property values, provides wildlife habitat, and provides aesthetic and community benefits such as improved quality of life. 

Sponsor a Tree in 2025!

Through Bangor Beautiful's Buy Bangor A Tree Program, you can support the planting of trees in our community by sponsoring a tree that will be planted by our volunteers.

This coming May 2025, we will plant 13 native street trees at the intersection of Broad and Washington Streets near the Pickering Square Parking Garage

To support this initiative, you can Buy Bangor A Tree for $250 per tree!

Sign up to sponsor a tree! 

Payments can be via PayPal: Click Here to Donate
or by mailing a check to Bangor Beautiful
15 Columbia Street, Suite 201, Bangor, ME 04401

*In the event that we receive donations exceeding the required funding for this current tree-planting project(s), any surplus funds will be set aside and reserved for our next tree-planting project scheduled for the Spring of 2025. 

To ensure the young street trees and shrubs thrive, each will be equipped with a tree watering ring. The City of Bangor Forestry Department will be responsible for the ongoing care of the public street trees.

Your support can help to make Bangor safer and more beautiful. Thank you for contributing to our mission!

Tree SPonsors

2024 Fall Planting - Oak/Washington Streets

Elizabeth, Nicholas, Aydan and Avery 

John and Mary Rudolph 


Thomas Fink  X 2

Laura and Julian 

Nate & Sienna Faessler 

Edwards, Faust & Smith, CPAs  X 6

The House of Koski

Diversified Ink

Leslie Badger

Carly Andersen

Janet & Tim Jonas X 2

Todd Benoit
Clare Davitt
In Memory of Beverly McKinnon

Bangor Letter Shop

Greg  & Shirley Solomon

2024 Spring Planting - Hammond/Ohio Streets

Janet & Tim Jonas

Chris Rudolph

Fairmount Dental X 3

Scott, Sue, Hilary (Clark) & Greg Edwards X 3

Bangor Greendrinks

Edwards, Faust & Smith, CPAs

Penobscot Financial Advisors
Bangor High SEED Club
Prentiss & Carlisle X 2

2024 Spring Planting - Pollinator Hedge Park St.

Eeez Beez X 3
In memory of Mary Kate Davitt
In Memory of Papa
Cara Pelletier
Phoebe, Emily, & Luke
Dominick Rizzo & Steve Bouchard X 3
Peak Wellness
Fink Family
Janet & Tim Jonas

2023 Fall Planting - Central/Park Streets

Edwards. Faust & Smith, CPAs

Brent Hall

Timber Hearth Tattoo Co.

Seven Islands Land Company

Janet & Tim Jonas

Hybrid Health and Performance